

Maximum uptime

In our data centers, we have integrated the entire tier 3 ISP to provide best uptime. These ISPs are in BGP routing to avoid any downtime.


Highest efficiency

Comparatively lower lease rate compared to the market. No monthly cross connect fees. Zero margin on electricity costs.Hyperscale sites offer growth within the same facility. Flexible commercial approach.


Full scalability

We leverage high resilience capabilities to manage increasing volumes of enterprise data. Our data storage approach goes beyond the traditional approach and supports remote storage, data archiving, data accessibility and on-demand scalability. We provide on-demand scalability and add-ons to add agility to your business, while connecting with the existing environment.


security & safety

We distribute all data across multiple computers in different locations to avoid a single point of failure. Our data centers are designed in a way that they access full network security. Being in-house you don’t have to fear about any interruption in the security as they are taken care of by our dedicated in-house security team.
  • Five Zone Security
  • Facility Tracked with Closed Circuit Digital Cameras
  • Fire Detection VESDA, 3D Sensors
  • Access Controls
  • Biometric Hand Geometric Readers

Maximum uptime. Highest energy efficiency. Full scalability. Utmost security and safety. The stakes are high, and challenges are manifold for data center infrastructure managers. We have therefore pooled our vast expertise and experience in data center services operations to support them across several disciplines. We do this with a comprehensive portfolio of integrated data center solutions and global services for optimized sustainability, security, fire safety and reliable performance – day in, day out, around the clock. Learn more about our outstanding data center solutions via the links on this page – or get in touch with our experts.